The C# class code below introduces how to use our PDF converter software to render and convert PDF file to multi-page TIFF image file.
using System; using PQScan.PDFToImage; namespace PDF2TIFF { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Create an instance of PQScan.PDFToImage.PDFDocument object. PDFDocument pdfDoc = newPDFDocument(); // Load a PDF file. pdfDoc.LoadPDF("sample.pdf"); // Save as multi-page tiff image file. pdfDoc.ToMultiPageTiff("multipage.tiff"); } } }
Our PDF document converter SDK for .NET also empowers C# users to set DPI property for output multi-page TIFF image file. For more details, you may go to page: How to get customized output image from PDF in C# class programming.